Monday, December 01, 2008

A Change in MyRoutine

I want to change up my routine again. For the past several months I have had a wonderful time enjoying a good morning routine:
- 5:45am - Up to make DearHubby's lunch (and breakfast - sometimes)
- 6:00am - Fold 1 load of laundry
- 6:15am - Get ready for the day (shower at night)
- 6:30am - Pray and Read
- 7:20am - Get the girls up and eat breakfast

As a result of this wonderful routine, I was able to spend quality time praying for our family and church family, reading God's Word, keep up with laundry, and had the opportunity to read several books:
- Becoming a Titus 2 Woman by Martha Peace
- When You Rise Up by RC Sproul, Jr.
- Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacie McDonald
- Fearlessly Feminine by Jani Ortlund
- Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman

The only thing I missed was computer time and it's so difficult for me to use the computer at night when DearHubby is home because he's on it and I don't have time during the day because of keeping up with the girls. I hardly surf the net and read others' blogs, but there are some CyberFriends I truly like to keep up with because they are so encouraging and it makes me feel like I'm "in touch" with the outside world. I also enjoy journaling (or in CyberWorld it's blogging), something I haven't really had much opportunity to do for a while. And lastly, my eMail Inbox is full of correspondences that I haven't responded to yet and dropping little eNotes here and there help me communicate to others that "I care." These things give me time to rest from my work with the girls and home and from this past week, I discovered that I really need and desire some rest. Therefore, this week, I am going to see what in my daily routine I can change to give me more computer time so that I can find a little rest.

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