Monday, February 04, 2008

February 3-9, 2007

Weekly Devotions: Year 1 Week 03 from MyReadingPlan

Projects of the Week: File 2007 Paperwork, Girls' blog project
Bathroom Area of the Week: Main Bathroom Toilet, Bathtub

Sunday: The Lord's Day! Morning Service & Evening Service
Monday: Laundry, 2007 paperwork project, Confirm dentist appointment for next week
Tuesday: Outing with Little R, Meet DearHubby at LA Fitness for 1st workout (Fri), Errands (Thurs) (mail letters, deposit check), Bake chocolate chip cookies
Wednesday: Laundry, Change sheets & towels, Budget
Thursday: Pick up girls' pictures, Run any errands while out
Friday: Bathroom cleaning, Exercise
Saturday: Grocery day, 2007 paperwork project (Deep vacuumed under DearDaughter1's kitchen and dining table carpet, cleaned DearDaughter1's kitchen, washed hallway floor, and baked chocolate chip cookies instead)

-> = Move to next day
--> = Move 2 days forward

1 comment:

BarefootBeat said...

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who keeps a running list of things to get done. I love checking off my accomlishments as the week progresses.

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