Friday, February 16, 2007

February 16, 2007

Verse of the Day:
“This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.” (1 John 3:11)

I thought today would be an easy day and I was hoping to catch up on some reading.

Two days ago DearHubby and I made an official announcement about expecting Little One #2 on our family website. Well, we have discovered that out of the many friends and family we send our update notice to, only 2 read our updates. Ahhh, at least only 2 have responded and have congratulated us. Anyway, I was convicted of a couple of things after this realization that maybe no one reads our updates. First, I realized that I am not truly content with just God alone. Why do I need everyone to know that we are expecting? Yeah, because we are truly happy, but because I like it when the spot-light is on ME...Realizing just how selfish my heart motive really is is very humbling and boy did I repent to the Lord and did I seek His help to humble me all the more so that less of me and more of Him will live in my heart. Second, I was convicted of my own folly of ignoring important missionary updates. We receive missionary letters from about 3 or 4 servants of God and there are times when I overlook those letters for months because of how much time reading those letters take. However, my folly is that these letters contain prayer requests that DearHubby and I could be praying for. We may not be able to financially support all missionaries, but we can pray. So, I thought that since today would be an easy day, I would catch up with my missionary letters.

Unfortunately, the day didn't turn out to be so easy afterall. I am part of the Meals Ministry at church and I had a meal to deliver today. It was a crock pot meal and as I was preparing the roast I discovered that I was missing an ingredient. So, I had to run out to the grocery store to pick up the missing ingredient. In addition, I had my dad's birthday card, niece's birthday package, and DearHubby's motorcycle package to ship off, so I also needed to run to the post office. Lastly, I needed to run to the bank to deposit and withdraw money for our upcoming trip to Texas (this Sunday). By the time I got my house chores done, meal cooked, errands run, and meal delivered, it was time for me (and my family) to run down to the Chiropracter's office for my follow up appointment.

What a day! I will make time to catch up on those letters though!

Blessedly, I really think this Chriropractic care is working. With all that I had to do yesterday and today I would normally be limping around in great pain. However, I feel great and I am walking normally! I return for another adjustment when we return from Texas. If it seems like Chiropractic care really works, I will recommend Chiropractic care to any pregnant woman suffering with back pain!!!

Well, we will be gone for a week! DearHubby is getting his knees operated on in Houston, Texas on Monday (torn ACL from a motorcycle accident) and the rest of the week is rehab.

In Pursuit of His Call

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